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[Updated for 2025] Classic movies heading to the big screen in 2025

Best, first, most: Academy Award classic movie trivia

The 2025 Academy Awards are Sunday, March 2, but the first decades of Oscar honors were fertile ground for history-making movies.  Take a look at a few of the best, some of the firsts and a couple of the mosts when it comes to the Academy Awards' golden statuette and the Golden Age of Hollywood.  The first best picture nominees The first Academy Awards took place in 1929, honoring movies made from mid-1927 to 1928.  It was also the only year that two categories for "best" picture were included: One was for "Unique and Artistic Picture" and the other for "Outstanding Picture." The Artistic Picture category was dropped the following year, and the Outstanding Picture would evolve into the Best Picture category today. The movies nominated in each of the categories included: Outstanding Picture: "Wings" ** Won "The Racket" "7th Heaven" Unique and Artistic Picture: "Sunrise"  ** Won ( Watch for free ) "Chang...

[Updated for 2025] Classic movies heading to the big screen in 2025

[Updated February 2025] As movie studios ramp back up production in 2025, movie theaters aren't relying on classic movie re-releases as much. But a few national re-releases of classic movies are still to be found.  Making the case for re-releases: The Future of Film May Just be Old Movies Here's a list of classic movie re-releases coming soon to a theater hopefully near you. These are roughly pre-1980 movies being released nationally or at least broad regionally.  As always, check out your local independent movie theater: they are gems for classic movie screenings and I cannot track all of those! (My tiny town's old one-screen movie theater recently played a Hitchcock retrospective, for example. The audiences were mostly younger adults which spurred hope for the next generation of classic movie fans.) This list will continue to update throughout 2025 as new movies are announced. January Seven Samurai A Clockwork Orange February Gone with the Wind   |  Related...